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back Domus au Grand Péristyle de Vieux-la-Romaine


ID: Secanda 16.5 (2016-12-14)

Version: 2b (2021-03-31)

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Scale: 1:100

Format of the plates to print: A4

Number of plates to print: 40

Including a notice: Yes

File: secanda_16_5_v_2_b_vieux.pdf (18 476 Kb)

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Last downloading at: 2025-01-24 12:48:09

49.104169, -0.431379


The archaeological site of Vieux-la-Romaine consists of the remains of the ancient Gallo-Roman city of Aregenua, former capital of the Gallic tribe of Viducasses. This important city during the Early Empire declined during the Lower Empire and was abandoned in the early Middle Ages. A modest village will replace it remote, for which the Gallo-Roman ruins were used as a career. Although all buildings were leveled over time, the absence of later occupation of the site has allowed a good conservation of the ground plan of the ancient city and intensive excavations have unearthed many relics allowing to get a fairly accurate idea of the city and its buildings at the time of their splendor.

The most remarkable houses of this city is called the "Grand Peristyle Domus". Many fragments of the elevations (plaster, stucco, columns, statuary debris, etc.) were found during excavations and allow, in association with the wall bases in place, to restore the original appearance, of course hypothetically but certainly close enough to reality. The here represented aspect is that of the late second, early third century. This house was notable with its typical Mediterranean plan so northward, its size (1420 m² on the ground) and especially the richness and ostentation of its decoration. Nothing is known about the occupants of this house.

The whole archeological site of Vieux-la-Romaine is listed in the Monuments Historiques (Historical French Heritage) since 1988.

License: common law (copyright) | Author: Secanda

Free use for private purposes. Any commercial use is prohibited.



Categories: Residential buildings | Antiquity s.l. | Antiquity s.s. | France | France/Normandy |