SECANDA paper models for downloading

back Parking disc French-Breton


ID: Secanda 16.14 (2016-12-14)

Version: 1a (2016-12-14)

Physical contents

Scale: 1:1

Format of the plates to print: A4

Number of plates to print: 3

Including a notice: Yes

File: secanda_16_14_v_1_a_disque.pdf (2 323 Kb)

Graphic format of the plates: pdf

Container file format: pdf

Number of downloadings of the reference: 1566

Number of downloadings of the version: 1566

Last downloading at: 2025-02-07 14:27:14


Parking disc at the legal French size 150 × 150 mm, 100% paper, with French-Breton bilingual text. Indispensable stuff for your next trip in Brittany!
Nb: object in relation to the free document Bombarde How to.

License: common law (copyright) | Author: Secanda

Free use for private purposes. Any commercial use is prohibited.



Categories: Various maquettes | France /Brittany |